High Blood Pressure Table of Contents
Solutions to High Blood Pressure

Treating High Blood Pressure

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Disease of high blood pressure should not be underestimated because of high blood pressure is the arrival gate of various deadly diseases.

Our heart beats about 100 thousand times a day, in every beat of it, the heart pumps blood around the blood vessels, including capillaries.  Strength when blood is pumped cause pressure on the walls in blood vessels.  The blood vessels also have resistance to blood flow, it creates both blood pressure.

Blood pressure is cardiac output multiplied by total peripheral resistance of blood vessels, that is what makes blood pressure.  If the blood vessels widen, the pressure will certainly go down, on the contrary, if the vessels narrow, so the pressure rises.

There are two kinds of blood pressure, namely:
Systolic is the current condition of the heart chambers to contract that sent the blood out.
Diastolic is the time period when the heart relaxes after contraction.

Normal systolic blood pressure in adults is less than 120 mmHg, while diastolic pressure should not be more than 80 mmHg.  If high blood pressure was more than 140/90 mmHg, you referred to suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension.

Disease without any symptoms of high blood pressure

If too large, the pressure will damage the blood vessels and restrict blood flow to vital organs in the body.  It could not get the organ blood supply.  When held in the heart organ, there was a heart attack.  When occur in the brain, there arose a stroke.  Another possibility is damage to the eyes, kidneys, and other serious health problems.

High blood pressure is often not perceived people, some of the symptoms of high blood pressure,  you need to know early on. If your age is above 30 years, check blood pressure regularly.  to know immediately if there is disease of high blood pressure, high blood pressure disease with no signs and symptoms.

High blood pressure disease dubbed as the silent disease that comes alias disease silently.  You also must be vigilant because, according to estimates of The Lancet, a prestigious medical journals worldwide, a quarter of the world's adult population suffer from high blood pressure.  That is, one in four adults suffer from high blood pressure.

If you already have a disease of high blood pressure, blood pressure should be arranged to go down.  5-6 mmHg decrease in blood pressure significantly reduces the risk of stroke by 40 percent and heart attacks 15 to 20 percent.

The ideal number for free from hypertension is 120/80 mmHg.  "If the blood pressure in the range of 120/80 to 139/89, it means you are on stage prahipertensi. In the range of 140/90 to 159/99 means you are in stage 1 hypertension. On top of that number, you're in phase 2 . Phase prahipertensi only require changes in lifestyle. Phase one and two took antihypertensive drugs and lifestyle changes, "

Prevent the Upstream

Because of the increased water in the blood that, in the 1950s designed hypertension drugs are diuretics or get rid of excess fluid through urination.  "The volume of water decreases so will cause the blood pressure down."  The development of hypertension drug research in the decade of the 60s is the alpha and betabloker.  This innovation is useful dilate blood vessels, so blood pressure and heart rate decreased.

In the 70-year hypertension drug developed CCB (calcium channel blocker).  "Later in the 80s the drug developed ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) inhibitors. Unfortunately, these drugs often make a cough for certain people. Continuing in the 90's developed a drug ARB (Angiotensin Receptor Blocker)."

Drugs active ACE inhibitors and ARBs reduce blood pressure by blocking angiotensin II.  Angiotensin II is a protein that can affect blood volume and contraction of blood vessels in the renin system, blood pressure regulating systems in the body.

Renin is an enzyme made ​​by special cells found in the kidney.  Renin works with aldosterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and some substances to help balance sodium and potassium levels in blood and fluid levels in the body.  The end result of enzymes that affect blood pressure.

Recent studies of antihypertensive drugs is to intervene directly into the center of the renin system.  "This means treating hypertension than by directly inhibiting upstream activation point blood pressure regulating system. The drug is called Direct Renin Inhibitors."

You can also use natural remedies as an alternative medicine high blood pressure.

Hopefully helpful