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Know More In High Blood Diseases (Hypertension)

Monday, February 1, 2010

High blood pressure disease (hypertension) is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal digit number with the number of systolic (upper) and lower (diastolic) blood pressure achieved 140/90mmhg.  tension of blood tests using blood pressure cuff in the form of mercury cuff (sphygmomanometer) or other digital devices.

Calculating a person with high blood pressure, body weight, normal activity levels and general health is 120/80 mmHg.  Normal blood pressure is stable range of values.  But in general, the rate of decrease in blood pressure and increases during sleep during Pls activity or exercise.

If someone has high blood pressure and did not get the treatment and control on a regular basis, then this can cause death.  High Blood Pressure Causes heart work harder constantly people, these conditions ultimately result in damage to blood vessels of the heart, kidneys, brain and eyes.  Hypertension is a cause of stroke and heart attack.

High blood disease or hypertension there are 2 kinds of classification and Primary Hypertension Secondary Hypertension:

Hypertension Primer:
Is a known cause of hypertension is not yet clear.  Various factors are thought to play a role as a primary cause of hypertension, such as age, psychological stress, and heredity (descent).  There are about 90 percent of patients with hypertension is expected to include in the category of primary hypertension.

Hypertension Secondary.
The cause of secondary hypertension such as kidney is not functioning, use of oral contraceptives, and disruption of hormonal balance which is a factor regulating blood pressure.

Being overweight or obese is a major cause of high blood pressure disease.  Likewise, if someone who is in high stress conditions, most likely exposed to high blood pressure disease.

For you that have not been exposed to high blood pressure disease, should begin now start with a healthy lifestyle, to have a healthy life.  But for those who are already sentenced to a contagious disease of high blood pressure, you can read tips lowering high blood pressure or also using alternative medicine for high blood pressure, which use natural medicine.

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