High Blood Pressure Table of Contents
Solutions to High Blood Pressure

Alternative Medicine For High Blood Pressure

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Alternative medicine for high blood pressure is actually very easy to be found all around us and based research results is very effective when used as a drug for high blood pressure.  For you people with the disease high blood pressure, should control their blood pressure by maintaining a healthy weight, to reduce bad cholesterol by limiting the salt, on a diet, exercise.

Some natural medicine for high blood pressure below, is alternative medicine for high blood pressure is possible to reduce disease and high blood pressure can also treat high blood pressure is as follows:

1.  White potatoes.
Many contain potassium and sodium that are complementary in which when a low potassium levels, the body retain sodium, should be noted, do not consume too many foods that contain lots of sodium, because it can cause the increase in blood pressure, disturb the equilibrium and can also endanger your soul.  When high potassium, body remove sodium.  Eating foods rich in potassium is important to maintain a healthy balance of both minerals and, by extension, to keep blood pressure low.

2.  Milk.
Skim milk contains calcium and vitamin D, two nutrients that work to help reduce blood pressure by approximately 3 to 10 percent, and could add up to about 15 per cent reduction in risk of heart disease.

3.  Chocolate.
Eating chocolate about 30 calories per day can decrease high blood pressure and does not cause weight gain also without side effects.

4.  Spinach (Amaranthus spp).
Spinach, sunflower seeds, beans (black, white, navy, five, pinto, kidney) Spinach, sunflower seeds and nuts all contain magnesium, potassium.  Spinach, sunflower seeds, peanut is a drug for high blood pressure that contribute important to reduce and maintain high levels of blood pressure.

5.  Chayote (Sechium edule).
contains vitamins A, B, C, niacin, and a little albuminoid, substance saponins, alkaloids, and tannins.  Chayote fruit flesh consists of 90 percent water, 7.5 percent carbohydrates, 1 percent protein, fiber 0.6 percent, 0.2 percent ash, and 0.1 percent fat.  Also contains about 20 mg calcium, 25 mg phosphorus, 100 mg potassium, 0.3 mg iron, 2 mg sodium, as well as some medicinal chemicals.

Prepare a fruit squash and grated fresh squeezed lemon squash drink.
Warning: Pumpkin Siamese should not be given to patients with rheumatoid arthritis, because pumpkin is ready to be cold.

6.  Garlic(Allium sativum L).
Prepare two cloves of garlic, about 4 grams.
How: Chew until smooth before swallowing, then drink warm water, do it three times a day.

By using a variety of natural medicine to lower high blood pressure and makes a natural remedy as an alternative medicine for high blood pressure, will make your life become more healthy.  To you who suffer from high blood pressure, get tips lowering high blood pressure.

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